A job interview isn't solely about delivering your memorised answers to stereotypically anticipated questions. Although you mustn’t disregard surrounding topics such as the company, the role, your own career progression, and so on, it’s important to remember that a job interview is a conversation.
Asking questions aren’t the sole responsibility of the interviewer – they’re key for interviewees.
We’ve all found ourselves scratching our brains towards the end of an interview when the prospective employer delivers the line, ‘’Do you have any questions?’’. To increase your chance of being hired, it is crucial to have some probing questions lined up. By preparing at least two or three questions that convey your interest to the interviewer it makes you appear efficient and interested and indicates that you have taken the time to research their company and industry.
It is also important to make notes during the interview, and if you have questions that you don’t have the opportunity to ask, you can save them until the end.
Asking those all-important questions at the end of an interview provides you with an opportunity to assess the company, whether that be culture, benefits, or people. This is your chance to establish if the job is well suited for you all around.
In this article, we will provide you with our top 5 questions to ask at the end of a job interview and how to utilise the time you’re provided with.
What learning and development will be on offer to me when I start this role?
Learning and development has proved crucial to career progression and role progression. Utilising your own question time to enquire about the specifics the company offers to new starters evidently shows the employer that you are keen and care about progressing within the position. It’s important to understand what you will gain from the company aside from the role duties.
How will that differ in 12 months’ time, and what continuous learning and development will be on offer to me?
To show to the interviewer that you're considering the role in the long term, it is always good to refer to the position in the future to emphasise that you're planning on remaining with the company long-term. It helps the interviewer see that you view the job role within their business as something permanent, not a temporary fix.
How will you know you've made the correct hire in 6 months/12 months’ time?
Raising this question will present you with an understanding surrounding what the role will entail and how you can be successful within it. It also provides the interviewer with the opportunity to lay out what kind of expectations they will have for you. You will then be able to assess whether the role is well suited to you and something you can comfortably do and enjoy doing.
Tell me about the team. What type of person would fit in well?
This question serves as a chance for you to analyse the team dynamic, and ensure they fit your personality and work preferences. We often spend a good portion of our working week within our workplace, or in virtual meetings with our team, so you want to make sure you would fit in or get along with the people whom you will likely be working alongside daily.
What do you envisage being the most challenging aspect of this role?
Enquiring about current challenges grants time in the interview to discuss current trends and concerns within your specified industry. This is a great opportunity to identify areas where your own unique set of skills could help the company out. Essentially, this will help you to gauge a better understanding of what the role will entail. Understanding what the employer regards as a challenge will give you an idea as to what they are really looking for in their new hire. You can then use the answer to this question to support why you will be right for the role by stating how you would tackle the challenge, factoring in the experience you have that would make that challenge easier on the business.
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