Complaints Policy and Procedure

Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing a high level of service to our stakeholders, whether it be our clients, candidates, or suppliers.  If you are not satisfied, you should tell us about it and help us to improve our standards.

This document outlines our complaints procedure including how to make your complaint and what you can expect from us.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service you have received from our organisation, and how that may have impacted you.

When should I complain?

In any event that you are dissatisfied with our service you should notify us at the earliest opportunity. The sooner we are informed, the sooner the appropriate action may be taken before matters are allowed to escalate.

Who should I direct a complaint to?

It is anticipated that most complaints will be minor and will be dealt with by your SRG representative or the department head.  In the event the complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction you may raise a formal complaint as outlined.

Formal Complaints 

If neither the SRG representative or the department head can resolve your complaint, or if you are not satisfied with the response, please complete the online form by clicking the link provided at the end of this Complaints Policy. 

How should I present my complaint?

Please put your complaint in writing and ensure to include the following: 
Full name and contact details.
Full description of the complaint including:
The nature of the complaint
Dates and times of key events
Names of individuals/witnesses and their involvement
Please include copies of all supporting documentation/evidence e.g. emails
We may need to confirm our understanding of the complaint and the outcome you are looking for before we can begin investigations.

When can I expect a response? 

We will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days, followed by a formal response within a further 10 working days. 

In some cases, we may require longer to investigate the complaint, in which case you will be notified, and response times will be amended accordingly. 

We will endeavour to keep you informed as to the progress of your complaint. 

What if I'm not satisfied with the response? 

If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Employment Agencies Standards Inspectorate at the Department for Business Innovation and Skills or the REC, the industry trade association, of which we are a member by writing to the Consultancy and Compliance Team, REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27 - 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT.

Complaint Monitoring

A confidential record of complaints will be maintained, and monthly reports will be issued to the Senior Management team to assess trends and determine whether changes need to be made.

The operation of the Complaints Procedure shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its effectiveness.

Submitting a Complaint

If you wish to proceed in submitting a formal complaint, please click the link below: